Strategies for Coping with ADHD at Home

Children with ADHD are not purposely trying to break the rules or make you frustrated. It can be very difficult for them to control their impulses, manage their time, and get things done.

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Children with ADHD are not purposely trying to break the rules or make you frustrated. It can be very difficult for them to control their impulses, manage their time, and get things done. Their energy can be boundless at times, but that does not mean they do not want to sit quietly and listen. School provides children with a lot of structure, routine, and support to help them be successful. However, there are ways that you can help your child to be more successful at home too while managing their ADHD.

Stick to a routine. Routines are helpful because they let kids know what to expect and what they should be doing. If you read books every night after dinner, they know that once they finish dinner, they should find a book. It’s okay to have some flexibility, but let kids know what is coming up and what you expect of them.

Build in transition time. If you know your child has trouble moving from one task to the next, leave extra time. Set a timer and let them know they have five more minutes to play with their blocks or finish coloring instead of abruptly telling them to stop. Then set the timer again to allow for clean-up time.

Give structured choices. Prompt your child to get started by giving focused choices. It’s time for bed, so do they want to brush their teeth first or put on their pajamas first? You are not asking if they want to do it, but rather where they want to start.

Have a quiet place. When your child gets too wound up or distracted, have a quiet place where they can go to settle down and calm their mind. This place should not be used as a punishment.

Break down tasks. Help your child work through larger tasks by breaking them down into smaller pieces. There is less they have to remember and focus on to reduce distraction and promote follow-through.

If you are concerned that your child may have ADHD and it is affecting their daily life, contact PediaPlex for a consultation and evaluation. We can help you better meet their needs.

Join the conversation on Facebook and let us know what other strategies you use! If you’re concerned your child may have ADHD, contact us for an evaluation.

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