PediaPlex family, meet the bubbly and fun Leo! Leo is an (almost) 5-year-old who attends PediaPlex for ABA, speech, and occupational therapy. He has attended PediaPlex since early 2020.
Leo is a super bubbly 5-year old and fun kid! Some of his favorite things to do are ride his bike, play in the sandbox, play with magna tiles, and play “hot lava” with his brother Luke. His favorite show to watch is The Good Dinosaur. A fun fact about Leo is that he is a New Year’s Eve baby! Also, he has been a fantastic swimmer since he was 3 years old! Leo plans to start kindergarten in the fall of 2021 and his mom says that she feels like his therapists at PediaPlex will prepare him to be successful when he starts! “It has given me peace of mind and complete joy to see Leo’s social skills and speech skills improve so much.”
Leo first started at PediaPlex in early 2020 receiving speech therapy and occupational therapy and then added in ABA therapy. His mom said their experience has been wonderful! “Leo loves his teachers and therapists! His speech has greatly improved, and he is much better at following instructions and being more compliant.”
Everyday when Leo is on his way to PediaPlex his mom says he can’t stop talking about his therapists and how much he loves to be here. She loves knowing that he is happy and that he also has a great team of therapists taking care of him. She says that his favorite therapy at PediaPlex is speech therapy with Ms. Harriet.
“Leo is such a kind and caring boy! We always have so much fun in our sessions whether we’re playing with games, Slinkys, having tickle time, or just making silly faces! Leo’s laugh is contagious and he always brightens my day! He is loved by all at PediaPlex!” – Harriet, Speech-Language Pathologist
Much like Leo and his family, many of our parents choose to start speech and occupational therapy at PediaPlex along with their ABA Therapy. Having all of your child’s therapies in one location makes it easier for the child (and the parents) because they get to work with a team of therapists who are able to collaborate together on the child’s plan of care. Many children who receive ABA Therapy are typically getting between 30 and 40 hours a week of ABA therapy services so having their additional services in the same building makes it more convenient for the parents. With collaborative care at PediaPlex in Dallas/Fort Worth, your child has a team of therapists (BCBA, speech therapist, and occupational therapist) that meets weekly to discuss their goals, progress, and plan of care. This collaborative approach helps to provide the best care and services for your child.
If you think that your child could benefit from collaborative care services at PediaPlex, fill out an intake form today. With locations across the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, you’re able to receive all of child’s therapy services in one convenient location. Our team of therapists looks forward to helping you and your family!
-The PediaPlex Family
All photos were obtained with informed consent. Content in this post was not solicited.